Anagranãm raocanghãm hvaδâtanãm raoxšnahe garô-nmânahe misvânahe gâtvahe hvaδâtahe cinvat-peretûm mazdaδâtãm, berezatô ahurahe nafeδrô apãm aspasca mazdaδâtayå haomahe ašavazanghô dahmayå vanghuyå âfritôiš ugrâi dâmôiš upamanâi.
To the eternal and sovereign luminous space; to the bright Garô-nmâna; to the sovereign place of eternal Weal; to the Chinvat Bridge, made by Mazda; to the tall lord Apam Napat and to the water made by Mazda; to Haoma, of holy birth; to the pious and good blessing; to the awesome cursing thought of the wise.